
High powered 3000MW Laser Weapons

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The Navy's laser weapon system - LaWS, in sea-service jargon - was fired from the USS Ponce, a one-time amphibious ship that was converted to an "afloat forward staging base" in 2012 and assigned to the 5th Fleet in Bahrain. Firing a laser from the surface of the Persian Gulf is challenging because heat, humidity, dust and salt water can reduce its power.

According to Defense News, that doesn't mean that giant city-melting lasers are on their way.

The module in the picture above represents almost the entirety of an operational high power laser pointer weapons system. China's military has equipped its forces with blinding laser weapons in apparent violation of an international agreement signed by Beijing.You'll have to wire it up to your own controller, but otherwise, all it needs to finish it off is a beam director - basically, a glorified steerable telescope that can intercept the laser beam as it comes out of that hole on the front of the module and then point it at what you want it to torch.

"China has been updating its home-made blinding laser weapons in recent years to meet the needs of different combat operations," the official military newspaperPLA Daily reported Dec. 9. Right now, the weapons are limited to the 15-30 KW scale; going much further requires figuring out how to deal with atmospheric interference, an issue which becomes more complicated with weapons mounted on airborne systems.

high quality  30000mw blue laser

But in fact this is not an easy thing. Because air pollution and bad weather will have a great impact on the transmission of laser in the atmosphere, so the laser weapon has a good performance. But the future of various aircraft faster, increasingly high degree of intelligence, ability to adapt to more and more strong, so the difficulty of target detection has been more and more big, to weapons systems on the aircraft's role before it all hit destroy is very difficult.

" 300mw Laser Pointer have been promised for a long time, but they've never held up and delivered what was asked for, so the operators are rightfully skeptical," Miller said to lawmakers. However, the Army is currently testing laser weapons in "operational environments" with the goal of delivering reliable directed-energy weapon systems within 10 years.


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High powered 3000MW Laser Weapons